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Soda Bottle Journal Spread | Color Tracking Image | Lizzy’s Landscapes

It has been a minute since I did any kind of tracking it spread in the form of a photo in my journal. So, it felt like a fun time to add an object that would end up being colored in by the end of the month as a tracker. Read on to see how I did it, and save a copy for yourself!

For the sake of this blog post, I did draw digitally, but it is so easy to do the exact same thing with pen and paper (or pencil and paper).

I started by creating a sketch of a soda bottle. As I drew the bottle, I was going for more of a glass look, but really ended up just trying to incorporate 30 different shapes. Some shapes are bigger than others, and I did not order them. Since there are no numbers to correspond day is with a particular shape, I can choose how I’d like to fill in this drawing with color

I really like the idea of using an object to help add some fun to a spread. of using an object to help add some fun to a spread. Also, being able to put the color of the day where ever it seems to fit within the image is some thing that really appeals to me. Rather than having a pineapple with different colored spikes with several touching or not touching can be really fun and summary, but being able to choose which spikes touch which, or in this case, which sections of the bottle touch which… It just makes more sense my mind to be able to pick out what color goes where! If it makes more sense to you to go top to bottom, left to right, or label each of the sections… Do it! My biggest thing is that my journal is for myself… I just so happen to share a lot of my journaling with you!

Once the bottle has 30 spots (I chose 30 because there are 30 days in November), I decided to use five different colors to look at the general mood at the end of each day. I tried to go from absolutely ecstatic to not the best day.

I left a box next to the description of the sentiment, in order to fill that in with the color that I’d like to associate with that description.

Finally, I did an example fill-in of what a finished soda bottle might look like! I love the way that I was able to fill in the colors depending on what I thought looked fun, based off of the colors in my chart. In practice, this would allow me to choose one color for each section throughout the course of the month on each day.

^^Don’t forget to click to pin to save a copy for yourself, and share some inspiration with a friend!

How do you track different things in your journal? Or… Do you track things in your journal? Have you ever tracked using a picture of an object with the right number of sections for the days in the month? What object would you choose to color in? Let me know! And be sure to tag me if you end up using this soda! I love to hear from you on social media @lizzyslandscapes. Happy Monday, friend!

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