All · DIY - Give It A Try

Fun, black and white, minimalist phone/tablet calendar background | Lizzy’s Landscapes

I have been hearing from people in my life that this year feels like one of the slowest but also quickest. It seems hard to fathom Tomorrow is already September, but that we have spent so much time in the year 2020. So, redone to see how I made a fun and easy black and white minimalist phone or tablet background that includes September calendar

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All · DIY - Give It A Try · Fine Art

Fun trailing foliage watercolor DIY doodle

I have been basically obsessed with plants for the last few years. I don’t feel like there’s anything more calming and soothing then looking into a vast jungle of green plant life that I have miraculously been able to keep alive. So, what better way to pay tribute then to do a watercolor doodle in my sketchbook?! read on to see step-by-step how I made this happen:

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All · Bullet Style Journaling

Journal hacks! Back to Basics: it’s doodle time | bullet style journaling

It’s that time again for a back to basics Bullet Style Journal post! So grab your journal (if you need one, grab a BizzyBook journal from my Etsy here) and your favorite pen and read on:

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