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Valentine’s Day Self Love Appreciation Prompt

Happy Valentine’s Day to you! One thing I so enjoy about Valentine’s is showing people you appreciate them with sweets and kindness. But with the expression of love for others, sometimes self love can fall to the wayside. Read on for fun and easy self love prompts and inspiration


I decided to create nine different positive affirmation squares. You can hop on over to Instagram and click on my screenshots to grab one or more for yourself!

One great thing about individual images like this, aside from the fact that they look super fun together when they’re in a collage, is that they can be used individually as a pretty picture with a positive image, or as a journaling prompt… I could even go so far as to print some of these and pop them in a journal!

One part of self-love, and self-care that I very much appreciate is it validation through examples. Not only telling oneself some thing, but using concrete examples to reinforce that positive thought. It’s one thing to tell myself that I’m strong, it’s another thing to find three examples of situations in which I could’ve back down or I could have stayed quiet or I could have given up, but I didn’t.

It makes me smile that in addition to having some pretty and visually appealing pieces of inspiration, I also have prompts where I could write examples of scenarios in which i feel these statements to betrue.

Although this is only artwork based off of my personal experience and examples of how I like to think of self-care and self-love, I hope that looking at it can put a smile on your face!

^^ don’t forget to click to pin say for yourself or share with a friend

Are there any “I am” statements that you resonate with? Are there some that you prefer over these? Let me know! And if you create any of your own, I love to hear from you on social media at @lizzyslandscapes. Until next time, happy Monday, friend!

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